Bismillah wal hamdulillah...
Positive words...
menanti mcm ni mmg mencemaskan especially utk VBAC moms like me... kkdg
rasa konfiden n kkdg rasa cam fade up n takut utk lalui pengalaman
melahirkan kali ke-2 sbb sy melalui such a traumatic birth as a 1st time
ummi... pnh rasa serik masa kuar dari OT n dari spital dulu... n once
confirmed by doctor yg sy preggy lg mmg secara lahiriahnya nmpak sy
tersgt happy tp jauh disudut hati sy masih rasa trauma itu...
alhamdulillah jmpa beberapa org sahabat yg sgt2 supportive n positive
about labor/birth... n depa ni xlokek ilmu n share everything yg depa
tau pasai birth... kkdg timbul rasa kesal dihati kerna xpernah amik tahu
mengenai birth process... yela, mebi ada sesetgh org ckp, org dulu2 lg
la xtau apa2... dulu2 tuh la natural birth yg sepatutnya... n ada gak yg
ckp ala dia xbuat preparation apa2 leh je beranak normal n mudah... itu
rezeki n bahagian dia n dia sepatutnya tahu xsemua org dpt bahagian mcm
tuh... sepatutnya dia merasa syukur n mendoakan utk org laen... at
least give some positive words... :)
fb je sure terjah page GBG Malaysia (Gentle Birth Group) byk btul input
kt page tuh... i loikeee... sy dpt words yg best dari sis maria zain... berulang2 sy baca n rasa sgt xsaba nk beranak...huk3...
Labour *pain* is very durable
if it's in a natural setting. No drugs, no interventions, it's
something we can all handle. Allah doesn't burden us more than what we
can be burdened with in our capacity. But pain is compounded by problems
like being told what to do, how to behave, being scared by others.
We're very vulnerable during birth and when someone says, hey, you
cannot tahan, you are scared, you should have a c-section, our
subconscious processes this as TRUE, and because our mind is set in that
direction, our bodies follow. If during labour - even a challenging one
- our support people say, you're doing awesome, you're so strong, just
imagine meeting your baby soon, you're amazing masha Allah, then your
physical self will follow the strength of your mind. A lot of women fail
because their support people fail them, and many of these support
people are fearful or ignorant of birth, so they impart these
negativities on birthing mothers.
I've heard of long labours,
3-4 days, one that went on for 80 hours plus 10 hours of active labour, 3
hours of pushing. All natural, but mum was in control and no one was
there to interfere with her birth. It was a good birth. We're very
strong, just that culture dictates that birth is something painful and
scary that we have to endure, like a curse or something.
If we look at it positively, birth becomes a special honour, and we will honour it in a special light.
If we look at it positively, birth becomes a special honour, and we will honour it in a special light.
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ALLAH berkuasa ke atas sesuatu...sama ada kelahiran secara normal atau sebaliknya... |
Hospital Bags
Preggy kali ke2 nehs adalah sgt malas utk prepare hospital bags... bape kali da tertangguh... masa anak 1st bkn men awal lg prepare seawal usia kandungan 28weeks lg ha da siap! huhu... kali nehs sy start gabra ayam bila kes bleeding masa 33weeks... trus ha terkocoh2 p shopping dgn en.abg sgala menda2 asas sambut newborn... sib bek xbyk kans sbb recycle brg2 kakak aisya... baju2 mmg sy ada bli yg baru awal2 arituh... bli yg murah2 jerk... since da byk baju kakak aisya... just tmbh sket2 habuan merasa sambut org baru... add on la dgn diapers saiz S sy bli kali nehs sbb tau adik baby a bit besaq dari aisya... haha...trus ha bli diapers saiz S instead bli saiz NB... takut xpadan... hehe :) sama je kot cuma beza dalam beberapa cm... agaknye la... lgpun saiz S leh pakai lama sket... pas kes bleeding tuh leh jgk bertangguh2 nk packing sgala... baju2 baby pun mak tlg basuh... boleh?? ahha... :D pastu mak je la yg asik remind pack beg hospital beberapa kali baru la diri ini terhegeh2 cari beg, masukkan isi2 kt dlm...
Baju newborn - 3pasang
Mittens + booties - 3pasang
Topi - 3pcs
Receiving blanket - 2pcs
Barut - 3pcs
Towel mandi - 1pcs
Towel kecil - 1pcs
Baby wipes - 1pack
Minyak telon - 1botol
Napkins - 3pcs
Diapers - 1pack
Toiletries - travel pack kecik
Previous medical records (buku merah 1st pregnancy- kes czer)
Current medical record (current buku merah - reminder)
Baju butang depan - 2-3pcs
Kain batik - 2pcs
Stokin - 1pcs
Tudung - 1-2pcs
Sweater - 1pcs
Towel - 1pcs
Toiletteries (shower gel+berus gigi+ubat gigi+deoderant+pencuci muka+ikat rambut)
Maternity pad
Nursing bra
Breastpump+botol (manual)
Minyak panas/minyak geliga
Air masak/air panas/air akar fatimah/air zam-zam/kurma/kismis
Makanan/minuman extra (biskut+air kotak+milo+hot choc)
Buku bacaan doa, yassin, al-mathurat, terjemahan al-quran
*handphone+charger (hari nk p spital kena remind)*
Sekian, utk ingatan sndri... huhu...
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Tunggu masa... |

2 sweet persons:
thanks faizah for the list!
Its ok fashya...slmt berpacking okeh! :)
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