
Ragam si kecik...

Bismillah wal hamdulillah...

Terbaca entri Fashya ibu Husna dan juga entri entri Dayu ibu Eisya mengenai pe'el anak masing2 yg kkdg sukar utk ditafsirkan dan schedule tdo da xmcm dulu adalah sm keadaannya dgn my toddler jgk... yela beranak kami ni masing2 lbh krg je umo kn? mcm husna dgn aisya beza 4hari je n dgn Eisya dlm 1-2minggu jgk rasanya... hari ni mai ofis dlm keadaan maha ngantok... aisya buat perangai cam Husna jgk... huhu...

Malam td aisya tdo agak awal... xbajet dia nk tdo awal sbb slalunya kul 10mlm ke atas baru ada feel ngantok si aisya tuh... yg ummi dia neh da xtahan ngantok dia tp aisya still bleh melasak smpai mata kuyu2 tp xmau jgk tdo... pastu ada menda nk bli tros kuar sat bwk aisya jgkla... kedai depan taman umah kami nehs... tgk2 aisya da terlelap dlm keta... masa tuh baru kul 9:30mlm... mebi time siang td dia kurang tdo... siang td aisya stay dgn maktok dia... apa lg si ayah aisya... berpoya2 la kt umah xdak org kaco... dlm kul 11mlm aisya merengek2... bg susu xmo, bg air pun xmo... tgk diapers kering je lg... br je tuka b4 kuar td... peliks... tp tros merengek... bwk naek atas tilam ayah n ummi dia pun masih merengek2... xtaula apa yg xkena... badan ummi ni penat sgt2.... ulang alik seharian dgn p site lg... mata sy ni da xleh nk celik... da nk dkt kul 12mlm pun... pastu tros letak aisya dlm buai... merengek jgk lagi... en.abg da smbung tdo... grr... tros enjut2 aisya dlm buai... xtaula kul bape dgn sy skali tertdo... sib bek aisya akhirnya benti merengek... pastu bgn lg dlm kul 2 or 3 pg gituh... buat susu... trus enjut2 buai tuh kasi tdo blk... sib bek dia ok je pastuh... saspek dia xsihat tp tgk hidung n badan dia ok je... hidung xberair n badan pun xpanas... 

Ni dtg opis dlm keadaan ngantok yg amat sbb tdo asik terganggu je smlm... melayan aisya yg asik merengek xtau punca itu... sy kuar umah kul 645pg arini n smpai opis kul 745pg... masa drive tuh ngantok banget! hnya allah swt shj yg tau... wuwwuuuwuw...

Tgk kt babycenter mengengai milestone toddler umo 14bulan nehs... sbnrnya mmg ada masalah pasai tdo... sbb diaorg tgh explore dunia baru... especially yg baru 1-2bln dpt kaki... Ok sy quote dari sini...

At this age your child may have difficulty falling asleep or wake up frequently at night. The reason behind both problems is probably the new developmental milestones he's reaching, especially walking. Your toddler is so excited by his new skills that he wants to keep practicing, even if you say it's bedtime

If he resists going to sleep, most experts advise leaving him in his crib for a few minutes to see whether he'll calm down. If not, you may want to consider using some version of the "cry it out" approach. You'll also have to decide what to do if he wakes up at night, can't soothe himself back to sleep, and ends up crying for you. It's fine to go in and check on or comfort him. But if he wants you to stay and play with him, gently remind him that nighttime is for sleep.

Typical sleep at this age

Now your baby is officially a toddler — but he still needs as much sleep as he did when he was younger. Until his second birthday, your child should get about 14 hours of sleep a day, 11 of those hours at night. The rest will come in nap form. He'll still need two naps at 12 months, but by the time he's 18 months old, he may be ready for a single hour-and-a-half to three-hour nap in the afternoon — a pattern he may follow until he's four or five. The transition from two naps to one can be difficult. Sleep expert Jodi Mindell suggests alternating one-nap and two-nap days, depending on how much sleep your toddler got the night before. You can also try putting your child to bed a little earlier on one-nap days.

How you can establish healthy sleep habits

There's not much new you can do to help your child become a good sleeper at this age — look for fresh issues such as bedtime resistance to show up sometime between 18 months and your toddler's third birthday. Your best bet now: Continue practicing the strategies you've been developing since your child was 6 months old, including:

Following a nightly bedtime ritual.
A regular bedtime routine will help your child wind down at the end of the day and get ready for sleep. If he needs to work off some excess energy, it's okay to let him run around for a little while before moving on to something more calming, such as a quiet game, bath, or bedtime story. Follow the same pattern every night — even when you're away from home. Toddlers love consistency; being able to predict when and how something's going to happen helps them feel in control.

Stick to a consistent daily schedule, as well as bed- and naptimes.
As always, it's also a good idea to set and stick to consistent bed- and naptimes as part of your daily schedule. If your child naps, eats, plays, and gets ready for bed at about the same time every day, he'll be much more likely to fall asleep without a struggle.

Make sure your child is able to fall asleep on his own.
Don't forget how important it is for your toddler to fall asleep by himself every night. He shouldn't depend on rocking, nursing, or being sung to to fall asleep. If he does, he'll never learn to settle himself back down when he wakes up at night. That situation is less than ideal for you, too — if he does wake up, he'll probably cry for you.

Kepenatan bekerja di siang hari dgn mcm2 masalah hidop yg mengahantui kkdg buat kita xsmpt nk fikir pasai perkembangan fizikal n mental anak kn? milestone dia mcm mana... kkdg rengekkan dia tuh hnya utk mendapatkan perhatian parents n org2 sekeliling dia... toddler umo 1-2thn ni pandai bermain perasaan sedih, merajuk, geram, marah dan dia dah pandai ekspressi perasaan dia itu... mmg perlu kesabaran n ketabahan yg tinggi dlm melayan karenah anak kecil sbb depa ni masih lg xmengerti apa2... kalu dimarah, ditampar, diugut skalipun dia xfhm yg dia dia tahu kehendak dia dipenuhi... diri dia dilayan, didodoi dan dibelai... mg kita sama2 kuat n tabah membesarkan anak2 kita sebaek mungkin... ^_^

Aisya in red :)


4 sweet persons:

Qider said...

si kembar dua2 tengah belajar berjalan..jangan harapla nak tido,mata dah kuyu,dekat saploh kali dok kesat mata sebab ngantok pun,tetap perasan tamau tido,siap marah2 kita pulak sebab depa ngantok..ummi depa tahap nak fengsan,depa dok melompat ke sana kemari lagi,mentang2la dua orang,dok bergurau sampai nangis2 (bila terlebih gurau)..

so apa yang fie buat,pukul 8 lebih gitu (siap2 solat isyak),tutup semua lampu,siapkan tempat tidur dan baring,pastu pandaila diorang merangkak/berjalan mai kat kita dan tido sendiri,kalau depa request susu,fie akan bancuh..so far it works..tapi mokala ada ada tetamu lain kat umah tu,pukul 1pagi pun lom tentu depa nak tidoq lagi haishhh..

faizah said...


Dah buat da gitu...adakalanya berkesan kalu dia btol2 ngantok tp kalu dak... mmg dia akn teriak...pastu mula la menyelinap suka ati dia redah gelab...isau pulak kita T__T

Qider said...

lampu sure sume gelap ke adeq?fie smpai lampu dapoq pun tutup,awai2 dulu depa p menyelinap jugak,lama2 tak jadi..anak lelaki manja kot ahaks

faizah said...


Haah...mmg gelab btol...tp bila dia try menyelinap tuh naek seram pulak kita takut dia jatuh ka apa...

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