Lama da xdpt award2 neh... keh3... tiba2 terbaca kt shout box from amanda yg sy da dpt award... anyway tengkiu... ;)
Dapat dari tuan pnya blog ini
Amanda Eltiqaz
Dan sy dpt award neh~!

Wah... :"> malu dpt beutiful blogger award~! tengkiu so much for the award...
First: Thank the person who gave you this award
Special thanks kepada cik n bakal puan AMANDA ELTIQAZ atas award ini... :) xtau nk ckp apa...eheh :D
Second: List the persons you want to give this award
Kalu nk ikut byk sgt blog2 yg sy suka baca... oklah, list down je ek sapa2 yg sy tingat nk list...ehe... yg tidak terlist bkn bermakna blog dia xbeautiful oke~! sy nk bg award ini kepada:
ok...yg ni je kot sempat di'listkan... :) anyway sbnqnya... sy nk bg kt semua blogger2 yg ada dlm list blog sy... :D
Third: Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award.
Congrats everyone ^_^ [Done~!]
Fourth: State 7 things about yourself
First: Thank the person who gave you this award
Special thanks kepada cik n bakal puan AMANDA ELTIQAZ atas award ini... :) xtau nk ckp apa...eheh :D
Second: List the persons you want to give this award
Kalu nk ikut byk sgt blog2 yg sy suka baca... oklah, list down je ek sapa2 yg sy tingat nk list...ehe... yg tidak terlist bkn bermakna blog dia xbeautiful oke~! sy nk bg award ini kepada:
ok...yg ni je kot sempat di'listkan... :) anyway sbnqnya... sy nk bg kt semua blogger2 yg ada dlm list blog sy... :D
Third: Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award.
Congrats everyone ^_^ [Done~!]
Fourth: State 7 things about yourself
- sy sedang pregnant 37 weeks- :P
-sedang cuak+isau+berdebar+gumbira menanti kelahiran anak pertama-
-sy suka blogging-
-sy suka jalan2-
-sy suka dok kt umah releks2-
-sy suka masak+mkn (sometimes)-
-sy sayang n cintakan suami sy :">-
-sedang cuak+isau+berdebar+gumbira menanti kelahiran anak pertama-
-sy suka blogging-
-sy suka jalan2-
-sy suka dok kt umah releks2-
-sy suka masak+mkn (sometimes)-
-sy sayang n cintakan suami sy :">-

7 sweet persons:
hait... arigato gozaimasu ;)
thanks faizah, bg award, hehe....
Naematul: oh pasan gak ek kfae bg award? eceli, nk bgtau nk shout box tp phm2la skulnet ni, asik block memblock saja... :D sila amik award oke~
AshAnas: welkam... :D sy xsmpt nk bgtau secara direk kt blog shira sbb intenet kt sini block byk menda sgt... :D
cograts!! =)
eheheh :D tengkiu~!
suka2 dapt award
tengs fae.
Cik Shiqa: ok2 welkam~! :D
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