
Perbezaan syarikat makanan tambahan jenama lain dengan SHAKLEE...

Bismillah wal hamdulillah...

  • What kind of information is available on ingredient specifications, safety and quality testing? As many as 83,000 laboratory tests for quality are performed on SHAKLEE. Nutritional Products and their ingredients in a single year, and as many as 176 separate tests for purity, freshness, potency, and safety are performed on the raw ingredients for a single product. SHAKLEE products also undergo as many as 262 separate quality assurance tests throughout the manufacturing process.

  • Are the health and nutrient claims, if any, based on anecdotal information or on scientific data? The success and superiority of SHAKLEE food and nutritional supplements lay in SHAKLEE's scientific approach. All product label claims are based on documented substantiation, not hearsay, testimony, or anecdotal evidence. This is an important test of product efficacy.  

    • Are the products backed by published clinical research studies? Ask to see published research on their products (as opposed to generic studies.) How much is there? Is it peer-reviewed as is SHAKLEE's published research? Where has it been published? Over the years, SHAKLEE has conducted numerous clinical studies whose results have undergone the difficult and rigorous process of peer-review. Over 100 clinical studies relating to SHAKLEE products have been published with many of them appearing in prestigious scientific journals such as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, American Journal of Cardiology, Journal of Applied Physiology and Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 

    • Does the company invest in and operate their own Research and Development Center and Food and Nutritional Supplement manufacturing plant? The Forrest C. SHAKLEE Research Center in Hayward, California dedicates 52,000 square feet of space to research and development laboratories to bring scientifically based superior products to SHAKLEE customers. SHAKLEE's advanced-technology Food and Nutritional Supplement Manufacturing Facility in Norman, Oklahoma dedicates 312,000 square feet to the high quality production of SHAKLEE's superior food and nutritional supplements.


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